Congregation Beth Israel boasts a vibrant group of volunteers. We are always looking for new people to bring energy and ideas to the table and to strengthen our synagogue even further. Why not get to know your CBI family better by joining one of our many committees? It's rewarding and fun! Everyone's welcome, and you can contribute as little or as much as you wish. And if you have an idea for a new committee or project, we welcome your input and involvement.
To inquire about participation on any committee, please contact CBI President Melissa Liebermann at cbipresident@cbisp .org
Bar/Bat Mitzvah |
This committee provides information to families planning a Bar or Bat Mitzvah, ranging from responsibilities and procedures to handy tips and resources. Chairperson: Lisa Halpern |
Caring Community |
These volunteers reach out when members of our community require some additional support. Whether due to health issues, job loss, or just being new to the area, CBI wants to be a resource for our congregants when they need us most. If you or someone you know needs assistance, please contact the temple office or email the committee at Chairperson: Nikki Leske |
Cemetery |
This committee sells graves to congregants and their families at substantially reduced prices, which is a tremendous benefit when dealing with challenging personal losses. Chairperson: Glenn Frank |
College Connection |
This committee sends greetings and gift boxes to college students for select holidays throughout each school year, serving to remind students of their Jewish roots and helping to maintain the connection that CBI has with its young adults, even when they are away from home. Co-Chairpersons: Ina Thau & Claire Bornstein |
Communications |
The Communications Committee helps update the weekly online newsletter, The Shalom Way, to keep congregants informed about synagogue events. The committee also works with local press to publicize events to the community. Chairperson: Laura Queller |
Education |
This committee supports the activities of our Religious School. The committee helps establish school and pre-school curricula; creates school criteria, rules and regulations; coordinates parental involvement; and oversees the employment of Religious School personnel. Chairperson: Susanlisa Kessler |
Foundation & Scholarship |
Since its inception, the CBI Foundation Committee has provided over $130,000 in grants to congregants’ children. The Foundation's mission is to encourage children to participate in programs, both in the U.S. and in Israel, that enhance their Jewish identities. CBI children, 25 years or younger, are encouraged to apply for grants, regardless of financial need. Chairperson: Ann Beckerman & Eli Rauch |
Finance |
This committee manages the finances and budget for the congregation. It also looks for creative ways to reduce expenses and generate revenue. Chairperson: Alison Yablonowitz |
Fundraising Programming |
This committee coordinates and plans a wide range of fundraisers throughout the year. Our main project is an annual winter fundraising event, featuring premier entertainment and a goods and services auction. Chairperson: Lindsay Norman |
Gold Rush |
The Gold Rush Committee is responsible for running one of the most important annual fundraisers held at CBI, providing a huge service to the synagogue. Chairperson: Rita Geller |
High Holidays |
The High Holidays Committee works closely with Rabbi Tilman and Cantor Greenberg to ensure that services and programs run smoothly, providing spiritual, enjoyable and memorable experiences for all our members. Chairperson: Aaron Kessler |
House & Grounds |
This committee manages the construction, repairs, additions and maintenance of CBI's building, equipment and grounds. It also supervises the rental of synagogue-owned equipment and facilities. Chairperson: Harlan Mayer |
Inclusion Committee |
This committee aims to ensure that CBI is an inviting, welcoming, accessible community for all congregants and guests. Chairperson: Alyssa Amsellem |
Israel Support |
With volunteers from CBI and seven neighboring synagogues, this committee's mission is to educate, advocate and support the people and the State of Israel. We sponsor Israel Documentary Film Festivals, host guest speakers, organize panel discussions and host letter-writing campaigns. We also provide hands-on opportunities for volunteers to perform social action projects in support of men, women and children in Israel. Co-Chairpersons: Lindsay Bezalel & Sara Sherman |
Kol Nidre Appeal |
This committee solicits donations from congregants for our annual Kol Nidre drive, our largest fundraiser. The Kol Nidre campaign is vital for the financial health of our synagogue and our Religious School. Chairperson: Jason Hoberman |
Long-Range Planning |
This committee is responsible for developing and implementing a long-term strategic plan for CBI. We conduct surveys and focus groups, and engage in other activities on a periodic basis to examine, plan for and recommend action for CBI's future growth. Chairperson: Aaron Kessler |
Membership |
This committee is focused on promoting and retaining membership in the synagogue through a range of activities. We represent CBI at community-wide events to engage prospective members, and we sponsor programs within CBI to ensure that every member feels a part of the CBI family. Chairperson: Leanne Loewenthal |
Ritual |
Working closely with the Rabbi and Cantor, the Ritual Committee considers matters that affect the religious life of the Congregation and provides a forum to discuss new initiatives or changes to the Congregation's ritual policies and practices. The Committee's primary focus is on the Congregation's worship services, with the goals of making those services meaningful and ensuring that services run smoothly. The Committee also works to enhance other aspects of the Congregation's ritual life, e.g., by supporting special events, which include the annual Sukkah Hop, Congregation Shabbat dinners, and summer services in the park. Chairperson: Stephen Wiener |
Safety and Security |
The mission of this committee is to ensure that our congregants and guests enjoy the safest environment possible. The committee reviews safety and security conditions at CBI, and helps to formulate and disseminate policies, practices and procedures that promote health and safety. Chairperson: Mike Yablonowitz |
Second/Third Generation Holocaust Survivors |
This group's goal is to create opportunities for Holocaust education in our schools, synagogues, and community; to implement programs with guest speakers, including an annual Kristallnacht Commemoration; to offer emotional support and discussion for the group's members; and to plan trips, open to all. Co-Chairpersons: Faye Bodenstein & Rita Geller |
Technology |
This committee oversees the selection and maintenance of CBI’s computer hardware and software, audio and visual, and telephone systems. Members also provide technical support for the synagogue's internal WiFi network and website. Chairperson: Ron Feldman |