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Bar/Bat Mitzvah Training

Rather than approaching the milestone of B’nei Mitzvah as the culmination of the student’s years in Religious School, here at CBI we hope to make it merely a landmark in each student’s continuing lifelong Jewish education. As part of B’nei Mitzvah training, students will study and learn the cantillation (tropes) for Haftarah and/or Torah reading, and they will become confident in leading a Shabbat morning service and a Thursday morning minyan. Additionally, each student will prepare a D’var Torah describing the meaning of their portion and the connection that they feel to the text. These are all skills that each student will be able to use for many years following the special day.

Each student attends individual lessons with Cantor Greenberg and/or Rabbi Tilman beginning well before the Bar/Bat Mitzvah date.  In partnership with each family, our clergy and educators will work to create a meaningful Bar/Bat Mitzvah experience for every child, of every ability. Please know that we will work together to identify goals and necessary accommodations that best meet the needs of your family so that your child can achieve this milestone in a meaningful way.

For more information, you are always welcome to email Cantor Greenberg:

Thu, March 27 2025 27 Adar 5785