You are invited at any time to send a contribution to the CBI Office, designating one of these funds as the recipient:
- Rabbi's Discretionary Fund: The Rabbi uses this fund to support individual, education and communal needs as he determines best.
- Cantor’s Discretionary Fund: The Cantor uses this money for furthering musical programs and activities at the synagogue. He also makes donations to various tzedakah organizations or recipients.
- Caring Community Fund: to help CBI community members in times of need.
- College Connection Program: to send holiday packages to our synagogue college students.
- Congregation Beth Israel Foundation: A gift to the Foundation helps provide grants to CBI children attending programs in Israel or participating in approved Jewish camp or educational programs in the US. Young people (25 years or younger), regardless of financial need, are entitled to receive a lifetime maximum of up to $2,000 for domestic programs and up to $2,000 for Israel programs. Since its inception, the CBI Foundation Committee has provided over $130,000 in grants to congregants’ children. The ability to continue to do so requires your ongoing support. Any questions can be directed to Ann Beckerman at
- Education Discretionary Fund: to fund special projects that are not in our regular budget, and to buy additional materials for our school.
- Edward and Gladys Ramm Memorial Fund: to supplement purchases for special events.
- Friedman Simcha Fund: to enable the school and synagogue to celebrate special events.
- Herbert Steinberg Memorial Fund: to offset ritual expenses of the synagogue.
- Israel Support Committee: to support the people and state of Israel.
- Les Klein Memorial Fund: to help families purchase tefillin.
- Oneg/Kiddush Fund: to help fund our Friday night oneg desserts and Saturday morning kiddush lunches.
- Prayer/Chumash/High Holiday Prayer Book Fund ($72): to purchase new books.
- Rita Mandel’s Sukkah Fund: to ensure that we will always have decorations for our sukkah
Thu, March 27 2025 27 Adar 5785