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Home - Congregation Beth Israel

Inclusive Community

Congregation Beth Israel is deeply committed to a philosophy of inclusion in our approach to Jewish education, programming, worship and to our community as a whole.

How do we practice inclusion?


  • Our facility is wheelchair accessible from all levels via elevator. 
  • Assisted listening devices & large print Siddurim are available upon request
  • Our Ark and Torah stand are accessible via a wheelchair ramp to anyone with a physical disability 

Sababa Spot

  • With full support of our Board of Trustees, we converted an empty office into a quiet space for anyone who needs it – whether that is a student who needs to calm down before returning to class, a mother who needs a place to nurse, or any guest requiring some privacy.
  • The space is decorated in soothing colors, gentle light and soft materials, so that individuals with sensitivities to certain textures and stimuli aren’t affected.
  • This space is available to anyone who needs whenever school, services or programming are occurring.

CBI Religious School

  • We provide the tools and support necessary to ensure that every student succeeds and flourishes. We do not offer a cookie-cutter approach to teaching. Instead, we tailor our lessons to fit each student's unique learning style. 
  • In consultation with parents, IEP’s are monitored to support accommodations in classrooms  in conjunction to what is being received in school
  • Teen aides are available to be able to be 1 on 1 support for student, driven by an individual child’s needs.  

Leadership & Staffing

  • Our Inclusion committee is constantly working in partnership with our members, staff and board of trustees to ensure that the needs of all those who walk through our doors are being met. 
  • We continually review and update disability procedures, and conduct annual audits to ensure we are evolving to meet community needs.
  • Our Director of Education and Programming is an active participant in The MATAN Institute for Education and Youth Directors as well as other continuing education programs which allows CBI to remain at the forefront of inclusion thinking.

Partnership with Jewish Federation of Greater MetroWest

  • Participation in Jewish Disability Awareness & Inclusion Month
  • Participation in Greater MetroWest Madrichim - Teen Advocate Training Program
  • MetroWest NJ - Keshet's Shivyon Equality Project

Congregation Beth Israel does not and shall not discriminate on the basis of disability, gender, gender expression, sexual orientation, ethnicity, race, skin color, or national origin.

Thu, March 27 2025 27 Adar 5785